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Season Two

Above the Clouds

That Sounds Terrific Podcast

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Episode 43: Falling Forward with Ben Albert

Ben Albert calls himself a “regular guy” with a regular name but he is anything but regular. In this TST episode, Ben shares how he rediscovered himself during the pandemic by jump-starting his LinkedIn network. Ben dusted it off and built a thriving group of amazing connections that he credits with his current success. Whether he is connecting you to someone on his podcast, marketing your company, giving business tips, or just sharing his thoughts, when you are with Ben Albert you can count on him to speed up your learning curve.


More About Ben Albert  

I’m Ben Albert; regular name, regular guy. LET’S COLLABORATE!  I started Balbert Marketing LLC amid the Covid-19 pandemic.  Let’s not beat around the bush, Coronavirus has pushed us to all evaluate our careers in one way or another. We all feel some level of fear, pain, or worry about friends, family, and the effects on our amazing nation.  For me, I had to make a decision. Do I pick up binge eating, get lazy, and get used to staring at the wall? Or do I develop a business STRONGER than any company I’ve worked for in the past?  That’s why I’m here. I am committed to overachieve in my role and do things right. I provide whatever is necessary to help your business GROW!  Martin Luther King Jr once said, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step.”  I decided to take 5 steps forward to begin building one of Rochester’s best young companies!  I urge you to take that leap of faith forward, and continue to build your empire!  


Connect With Ben and Balbert Marketing  


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More About That Sounds Terrific - Host Nick Koziol

For more information on our Podcast, That Sounds Terrific visit our website at  and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. If you or someone you know are doing some terrific things that should be featured by our show then be sure to reach out by emailing us at


Special Thank You to Our Sponsors & Key Supporters:

Chris Jones of Chris Jones Media for the Introduction and Outro recordings for That Sounds Terrific. 


Into and Outro animation created in collaboration with Ben Albert of Balbert Marketing, LLC. Boost your business popularity, traffic, and conversions online!  


The video and audio portions of this podcast are powered by the Vidwheel Creator Network. Join Neil Carrol and be a part of the network that allows you to learn and develop video skills. Make powerful video content while looking terrific on camera so that you can sustain and grow your businesses. Reach a wider audience of clients and partners who need to hear your message and develop the flexibility in your businesses to thrive in a turbulent world. 

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